



Dr Boskonovitch

"Fighting Doctor"
  • Nationality - ??????
  • Fighting Style - ??????
  • Age - ???????
  • Height - ??????
  • Weight - ??????
  • Blood Type - ??????
  • Occupation - ??????
  • Hobby - ??????
  • Likes - ??????
  • Dislikes - ??????

Tekken 3
Dr B has a crippling disease that has almost totally taken away the use of his legs.However,despite this,he still soldiers on in the scientific circle and has many revolutionary works under his belt icluding the Jack robots. In the second tournamnet,Dr B was kidnapped by Kazuya's men and made to work for them.One of the many tasks meant re-desiging/building the prototype Jack unit.He was later rescued by Yoshimitsu.The pair have a unique bond due to the fact that Dr B fitted a cybernetic arm to Yoshimitsu when he lost his sword carrying arm to a lazer trap device. In the 3rd tournament,Dr B desperately wants Ogre's blood as this is the only way he will be able to save his daughter's life.She has a fatal condition and Ogre's blood and it's power is the only way to save her.He currently has her preserved awaiting the operation in one of his freezing chambers that housed Nina and Anna for 15 years!His daughter's life is in Boskonovicth's hands.He must act quickly or face losing his daughter forever!